Cupping is used to treat pain, ease scar tissue deep within muscles and connective tissues, and reduce swelling and muscle knots. Also, like many complementary treatments, cupping is supposed to minimize circulating toxins by drawing them into the skin where they are more easily removed. The treatment uses suction cups over the painful areas. The initial treatment starts out somewhat uncomfortable then as time passes the discomfort will ease as well. Many athletes are using cupping to speed healing time for their musculoskeletal injuries. Core Health Darien uses cupping for a variety of aches and pains. You do not have to be an athlete to benefit from cupping on your tired and sore muscles. There will be some red marks that fade away after a few days. Many people report instant relief from their various aches and pains. IF you have a chronically bad lower back then you should consider cupping as way of decongesting the muscles that support the low back.Back PainTennis ElbowPlantar FasciitisFrozen Shoulderlow Back PainNeck PainCarpal Tunnel PainGolfer's ElbowKnee PainAchilles Tendonitis
Think of your arm as being attached to the shoulder by a few key muscles and ligaments. When your shoulder is overworked or strained the ligaments in your shoulder have to work harder. Guess what? Your body doesn't like this so it causes these tissues to remodel in a more restrictive way, and that tends to cause you pain. Cupping is a simple way to ease the tension on strained muscles and ligaments. Best of all besides a little redness over the area, the treatment has virtually no side effects. If it is good enough for Olympians and Athletes is it good enough for you?
Think of your low back as being attached to the pelvis by a few key muscles and ligaments. When your low back is overworked or strained the ligaments & muscles in your back and hips have to work harder. Guess what? Your body doesn't like this so it causes these tissues to remodel in a more restrictive way, and that tends to cause you pain. Cupping draws intracellular fluid out of the cell membrane allowing for better membrane permeability. The cell can now discharge toxins faster allowing the tissue to normalize and function properly. We have found this to speed the healing process and to minimize pain. Cupping is a simple way to ease the tension on strained muscles and ligaments. Best of all besides a little redness over the area, the treatment has virtually no side effects. If it is good enough for Olympians and Athletes is it good enough for you?
Think of your foot as being attached to the ankle by a few key muscles and ligaments. When your foot is overworked or strained the ligaments in your feet and legs have to work harder. Guess what? Your body doesn't like this so it causes these tissues to remodel in a more restrictive way, and that tends to cause you pain. Every time you move that body part you aggravate the nerve dense fascia. Fascia helps to reduce swelling and inflammation that cause plantar pain Cupping is a simple way to ease the tension on strained muscles and ligaments. Best of all besides a little redness over the area, the treatment has virtually no side effects. If it is good enough for Olympians and Athletes is it good enough for you?