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Shockwave Therapy for Back Pain Darien CT

Shockwave back pain Darien CT new treatment for back pain

Shockwave Therapy New Way to Treat Musculoskeletal Pain

You have chronic pain in your back. You try massage, maybe take a few Aleve and that should take care of it? When the pain becomes more serious do you consider chiropractic care or physical therapy? When that does not work what do you do next to treat your back pain? Well, the good news is you have an option. It is called Shockwave Therapy. Yes, it sounds scary but if you think about it there is something to it if you have chronic pain or an injury that won’t heal.

What is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave Therapy is a treatment that is being used to speed recovery from musculoskeletal injuries. An interesting note is that shockwave therapy in orthopedics originally got its start as a treatment to break up kidney stones. So essentially the same therapy is now being used for a whole host of orthopedic ailments.

What Does ShockWave Treat?

Achilles tendinitis
Patellar tendonitis
Quadriceps tendinitis
Lateral epicondylitis/tennis elbow
Medial epicondylitis/golfer’s elbow
Biceps/triceps tendinitis
Partial-thickness rotator cuff tears
Trochanteric tendonitis
Plantar fasciitis
Shin splints
Muscle Spasms
Low Back Pain

Science Behind Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is defined as a wave with a rapid increase of pressure within a very short refactory time and then having a gradual decrease of pressure with a small negative pressure phase.
The shockwaves created have numerous peer-reviewed benefits with very few side effects.
Pain reduction is probably the biggest benefit of Shockwave Therapy. One way it decreases pain is by increasing cell membrane transmittance by improving the cell’s permeability through ionic channels.

How does Shockwave work in the body?

Nitric oxide production appears to be enhanced by Shockwave Therapy. NO2 (Nitric Oxide) has the ability to dilate blood vessels. This allows for more blood flow which allows for the dissolution of toxins that accumulate in an injured area. More blood faster healing. Angiogenesis is another added benefit in that the shockwaves stimulate your body to produce more arteries in the treatment area. Essentially the injured area has improved metabolism when treated with shockwave therapy allowing it to heal faster.

Is Shockwave Therapy Painful?

There can be some discomfort when treating an injured body part using Shockwave Therapy. The shockwaves dissolve lactic acid that tends to pool in muscles that are overworked or injured. The waves produced also allow for damaged cells to be removed by the veins. So there is a little pain but we often see faster healing times. People with tennis elbow can start to resume normal play in a few short weeks. Someone with a chronic low back issue can start more hardcore physical therapy after a few sessions. Here ia a good way to think about shockwave therapy. If the soft tissue is not responding then Shockwave is a way to get over the hurdle to start meaningful healing.

Is Shockwave Therapy covered by Insurance?

Unfortunately, Shockwave is not covered by insurance. That may change as insurance companies see it as a way to save money over more costly procedures like hospital stays and surgery.