New Back Pain Paradigm

New ways to beat chronic pain faster and less expensive

Beat Back Pain

New Paradigm for Treating Pain

As a chiropractor with over 30 years of experience, I would like to say that I have a pretty solid understanding of back pain. When the pandemic hit I had more free time on my hands. I started to study new ways to help people with back pain. The new methods are allowing me to see pain in a more multi-dimensional way. Traditionally, I see a bone or two out of place, then I put the bones where they belong and the problem is solved. Having opened my eyes I now know that I can do more for my patients. Let me explain what is different now.

The brain controls every function in the body. When a bone is out of place we call it a subluxation. It puts pressure on the nerve and causes pain. That is easy to grasp. What is so good about my skills now is that I can diagnose the nerves and muscles that have impeded neural flow to the brain. Putting it in layman’s terms is that I can reconnect the nerves and muscles to the brain to coordinate their intended actions. Way too complicated an explanation, but when you can see immediate results there is tremendous satisfaction. So far the patients are thrilled and so am I.

Faster Results & Less Expense

What this means to patient care is that we can deliver better results in a faster time frame. Insurance these days does not cover care like it used to. By applying new and additional treatments we can save the patient time and money. There is so much satisfaction on both sides we are having fun. When I get to work and have fun it is hard to call it work.

What You Should Do

Here is my suggestion, if you have shoulder pain, knee pain, headaches, or migraines, in addition to back pain we are better equipped to help you faster and more affordably. As mentioned earlier there are cost savings and health benefits to our patients who are in pain. Come in and see me to discuss what and where your pain is. Is the pain impacting your life? here is your opportunity to do something about it. I will tell you that it is not unusual to see demonstrative results on your first visit. So I urge you to come to try it out and see what we can do to help you. I want to thank you for your support and look forward to serving you in the future.
Dr. Brian

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