Brain Health from Core Health Darien

How can I improve my brain health?

How can I improve my brain health?

If you do not exercise now would be a great time to start. Don’t attack exercise but embrace it. You will drive more oxygen to your brain and you will notice that you will sleep better at night. I suggest that you exercise before you eat. This will allow your body’s reserves of stored glycogen to be used up. Breaking away from the standard American diet of processed foods high in bad fats and sugar will go a long way to keeping your brain working better for years to come. Supplementing will go a long way to giving your brain a fighting chance to ward off dementia.

Supplements for Brain Health

Fish oils are essential to brain health. Omega-3s bring a bit of everything, including improved brain function, memory, and reaction times. They may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and potentially even help prevent depression and dementia.

B6 B9 B12 all help boost brain function. These powerful B vitamins help minimize sugar damage to nerve cells and help tame inflammation by reducing levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is a marker for inflammation in the body, which includes the brain. Don’t be surprised if you notice less depression and better memory recall when you supplement with the B vitamins.

Huperzine A is a newcomer to brain health but it is a powerful addition. You have neurotransmitters that tell nerves what to do. One of the biggest neurotransmitters is acetylcholine. A good reason to take this supplement or nutraceutical is that it can improve memory and mental function. You will be hearing a lot more about this going forward. Acetylcholine is the most important neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic system which controls smooth muscles, dilates blood vessels, increases bodily secretions, and slows the heart rate.

Green Tea has an amino acid called L-Theanine which has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. People also notice significant improvements in mood and cognition. Add in that it has almost no calories you should be replacing diet or sugary drinks with green tea before you lose your marbles.

Vinpocetine can help lower your blood pressure among other important benefits to your brain. It has been used for over 30 years to treat cerebrovascular disorders like stroke and dementia. So if you are concerned with enhanced brain metabolism and brain function, start adding vinpocetine to your daily supplements.

Phosphatidylserine helps prevent memory loss and mental decline. People who took Phosphatidylserine scored higher on short-term memory, mood, and concentration tests. Now I can not cite where that study was done but seems like a good idea to be taking Phosphatidylserine to keep your brain sharp.

What is the number 1 Supplement for Brain Health

There is no number 1 supplement for brain health. If you want to have a healthy brain you must work at it way before you start to notice a cognitive decline. You may notice that even at age 35 that you start to forget things like names or places that you have visited. Today’s standard American diet combined with poor sleep and not enough exercise are major contributors to cognitive decline. The good news is that you can make positive changes today that will give you better chances of maintaining your brain’s integrity years from now.

This list of supplements is by no means a complete compendium of brain-enhancing supplements. Common sense should not be omitted as means to enhance brain health. Eat right, get plenty of rest, exercise, and keep learning along with a few of the aforementioned supplements and you might just keep your marbles. If you have any questions give me a call 203-656-3636. Dr Brian McKay will be happy to guide you to some brain-healthy habits.

Chiropractic Care & Brain Health

Chiropractic care can help balance out the autonomic nervous system which will help you deal with stress. The chiropractic adjustment will help you deal with the physical stress caused by pain. As far as brain health chiropractic adjustment may help improve glial cell respiration. The glial cells help get the waste products out of the brain. Accumulation of waste products slows the ability of the brain to optimally function. Don’t forget that Core Health Darien is here to help.

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