Exactly How Old is Your Brain?

How Old Is Your Brain?

If you are getting close to your late 50s you are probably starting to notice your older relatives start to decline mentally. Maybe a little and for some, and quite noticeably for others. Now you may think there is nothing to worry about now. You probably eat well, get enough rest, and exercise a few days a week. You may even take a multi-vitamin along with your cholesterol-lowering medication. Let me ask you a question is that enough? Wouldn’t you want to know what is in store for your golden years?

Am I at Risk for Dementia?

There is a test to tell whether or not you are at risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s. The marker is a genetic test called APOE4. MIT researchers have found that the APOE4 gene is one of the most significant genetic risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease. It can affect your brain cells’ ability to metabolize fats and cholesterol. So you have a problem gunking up your brain and it can really affect your brain’s ability to function. It is like your brain is carrying around an extra 25 lbs. There is no medication to treat the APOE4 genetic marker. This is why you need to be on your best behavior now, while you can do something about it.

Easiest Way to Test Alzheimer’s APOE4 gene

Everyone has heard of 23&Me? Well did you know it tests for the APOE4 genetic marker? I suggest that you take a look and see what your results show. If you have not done 23&Me maybe you should. Knowing what you are up against is the best way to tackle the onset of dementia and Alzheimers. There are no guarantees that you won’t get either dementia or Alzheimers but at least you have a fighting chance and advance notice to make changes in your lifestyle that contribute to these diseases.

Chiropractors Do Not Treat Dementia

Yes, I am a chiropractor and no I do not treat Alzheimer’s, but neither do Medical Doctors. A healthy lifestyle is your best weapon in keeping your brain healthy, along with the rest of your body.

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