The Knee Trac for chronic knee pain

Knee Pain Derails Weight Loss

When Knee Pain is Bad You Cannot Exercise

knee pain darien CT from Core Health Darien

Knee Pain Preventing Exercise

How often do we say that we are going to lose weight and start exercising around this time of year? Every year. And while I am sure that we mean it, there are obstacles that prevent our good intentions from becoming reality. One of the biggest limitations aging baby boomers face is knee pain. Usually, it is just one knee that is the problem. If there is a trauma or autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis or degenerative arthritis there can be a pain in both knees.

Obesity and Knee Pain

The heavier you are the more stress you place on your knees. Diets can help you lose weight but ….. diets alone rarely help you keep the weight off. Exercise and diet combined give you the best chance of losing weight and eliminating knee pain. Now if the knee pain prevents you from exercising which prevents you from losing weight you have quite the conundrum. This is where Core Health Darien can help. We have a unique program centered on a therapy called the Knee on Trac. Now, the Knee on Trac will not help you lose weight. Let’s be clear about that.

Knee Pain & Arthritis From Being Overweight

Extra pounds put extra stress on the meniscus in the knee. This causes inflammation and over time will thin the meniscus. This could be the start of knee pain due to arthritis. When the meniscus wears away the joint loses its natural cushion which over a period of time will lead to pain in the knee. The degenerative joint disease takes over and eventually, the bone wears down. Now you may need to have surgery or knee replacement. So where do you begin to deal with weight and knee problems atthe same time.

What is The Knee on Trac?

The Knee on Trac is a medical device that stimulates the production of synovial fluid in the knee joint. Synovial fluid is a lubricant that helps “grease” the meniscus. This serves to properly separate the femur from the tibia. It helps your knee to work smoothly and painlessly. Too much weight squeezes the fluid out of the knee joint. The Knee on Trac helps prevent that from happening. If it is happening along with several other therapies offered at Core Health Darien we can address knee pain without turning to surgery or knee replacement. The Knee on Trac does not address weight but can address the knee pain preventing exercise.

Core Health Darien Knee Pain Program

Core Health Darien can help you get knee pain under control so you can start an exercise program to address your weight. All too often people want to start losing weight but are stumped by knee pain. A safe alternative is to begin intermittent fasting while doing the Knee on Trac program. The weight will not magically go away. You can start to ease the stress on the knee and ease your way into a healthy exercise and diet program that is more likely to benefit your overall health. If you have any questions call us 203-656-3636 we are happy to answer your questions.

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