knee pain treatment darien ct the knee on trac

How Fix Knee Pain w/o Surgery

Knee Treatment w/o Surgery

There are several ways to alleviate knee pain without undergoing surgery. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Rest and ice: Resting the knee and applying ice can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  2. Exercise: Strengthening the muscles around the knee can help support and stabilize the joint. Low-impact exercises such as swimming, cycling, and walking are good options.
  3. Physical therapy: A physical therapist can teach you exercises to strengthen the muscles around your knee and improve your flexibility and range of motion.
  4. Weight loss: Excess weight puts extra pressure on the knee joint, which can contribute to pain. Losing weight can help reduce the load on the knee and relieve pain.
  5. Bracing or taping: Wearing a knee brace or using kinesiology tape can provide support to the joint and help relieve pain.
  6. Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation. Your doctor may also prescribe stronger pain medication if necessary.
  7. Injections: Corticosteroid injections can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain in the knee joint.

It’s important to consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise or treatment regimen for knee pain. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the knee joint.

The Knee on Trac

The Knee on Trac is a medical device that allows the synovium to produce more lubricating synovial fluid. Core Health Darien is the only clinic in CT that offers this knee pain-relieving treatment. When combined with Tri-Genics and Hako-Med you have the best way possible to eliminate the need for knee surgery. Call 203-656-3636 and find out for yourself if your knee can be helped naturally.

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