pressure brain stem

Neck Pain and Trouble Sleeping?

Neck Pain Interferes w Good Sleep

Do you have neck pain and trouble sleeping? Here is why a chiropractor is your best bet to get better sleep and no more neck pain. Normally, people think of us as back and neck doctors, some do not consider us real doctors at all. So for that, I am grateful to be called a back and neck doctor. What I want to do today is to explain why you would have trouble sleeping when you have neck pain, and how chiropractic care can help you get better sleep and have less neck pain.

Nerves in the Neck speak w/ Your Brain

In case you were not aware of the fact that your brainstem continues into your upper neck, you are now. So when you have neck pain that persists it really can affect how you sleep. It is not just from the pain that goes along with a subluxated cervical vertebra that would cause you to call your local chiropractor. There are many moving parts to your brain, at least I hope there are!

Chiropractors remove nerve irritation

Inside the brain stem, there is a series of neurons (nerve cells) called the Reticular Activation System, RAS for short. The RAS is a very important part of your sleep cycle, among other important tasks it performs. It helps regulate sleep, waking, and the fight or flight response called the sympathetic nervous system. When your body is locked into sympathetic overload it is harder to turn off the brain so you can get to sleep. The RAS sends signals to the hypothalamus to produce melatonin which allows your body to drift into REM sleep.

Cervical Subluxations Interrupt Nerve Supply

When your neck bones are misaligned, we chiropractors call it a subluxation. The subluxation not only causes pain but can also cause increased pressure on the brain stem making it harder for the RAS to signal the hypothalamus to produce melatonin. The autonomic and endocrine nervous system is subject to regulation by the reticular formation. So while you may still consider chiropractors to be back and neck doctors I am okay with that. Do you want to get relief from your neck pain and sleep better? Call me what you like.

Core Health Can Help you sleep better

The autonomic nervous system comprises both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The parasympathetic system controls above the brainstem and below the waist. The sympathetic nervous system controls the brain stem and waist. The direct pressure on the brain stem can cause an interruption of your normal nervous system functioning. So pain may be your motivator to seek treatment try and pay attention to your sleep functions. If you are stressed out like most people you would greatly benefit a chiropractic treatment you will have less pain and sleep a lot better.

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