Pregnancy Back & Hip Pain Darien CT

Pregnancy Back & Hip Pain for Working Mom’s

Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Moms w/ Bad Back Pain

There is never a good time to have a backache. It is even worse to have a backache when you have to work to support a family. And it is even worse when you have backache when you are pregnant and have to work for a living but can not take any medication. What should you do?

Call 203-656-3636. This a shameless plug for Core Health Darien. You may not know that we really have a wonderful program to treat busy pregnant moms who are in pain. First of all, these women are seen first. Surely you remember what it is like being a busy mom. So if you see a pregnant woman getting seen before you just remember what it was like when you were pregnant.

What typically happens is that as the baby grows so does the mother’s weight. This lowers the mom’s center of gravity putting stress on the spinal discs and nerves in the low back. the change in gravity often will induce postural changes that can lead to back and pelvic pain. Sometimes hormones are secreted by the body that releases the ligaments and tendons in the pelvis. This by itself is enough to cause back and hip pain, then add in pregnancy! Let’s not forget what stress can do to a back!

Since we refuse to x-ray a woman who is pregnant we have to rely on muscle tests to determine where to begin our exam. We are looking for the postural changes mentioned earlier. We are also looking above and below the site of pain. Then we test the muscles nearest to where the pain is. Now if you have never been to a chiropractor you might be gasping at the thought of a chiropractic adjustment on a woman who is pregnant. Hold that thought.

Chiropractic care during a womans pregnancy is the safest way to relieve back and hip pain. Their doctors tell them not to take medication so what are their options? The chiropractic adjustment for back and hip pain is a safe and comfortable way to help these women out when they really need all the help hey can get.

By repositioning the pelvis and lumbar spine we can relieve the stress placed on the nerves, discs, and ligaments that can be causing the pain they are experiencing. The added benefit is that they won’t need the pain medication after their visit. Chiropractic care that is safe, comfortable, and effective is what we provide pregnant moms.

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